Bailey60_: What would you love to make/see in Minecraft?
TheMogMiner: OpenGL 2 support, because migrating away from fixed-function makes adding OpenGL 3.x and 4.x support that much easier.
Bailey60_: How far away do you think that is?
TheMogMiner: It's pretty much the only thing I'm going to be working on for 1.9, but I have no idea if I'll get it done in time.
MC_News_Germany: Could you please give a spoiler about 1.9
TheMogMiner: Planning on switching to using shaders. No more fixed-function OpenGL. Performance boost and extensibility, good times.
Minecraft News [Ger]: 1.9에 대해 스포일러를 해주실 수 있나요
Ryan Holtz: 셰이더를 사용할 계획입니다. 더이상 Fixed-Function을 쓰지 않고. 성능 개선과 확장 가능성. 좋은 시간이죠.
Pahimar: The one thing I am *hating* to code right now is GUI stuff. Textboxs and scroll bars are ugly as hell.
VicNightfall: It really needs a proper gui framework... Isn't that something in 1.8 too?
Pahimar: Supposedly. It was one of the first things @TheMogMiner added in 1.8 but it will be a few months before Forge is ready
TheMogMiner: No, I backburnered it until 1.9 because rendering UI elements in a unified way is a lot easier with shaders.
※ Pahimar: Equivalent Exchange 2/3 모드 제작자.
03. 구름 렌더링 코드 재작성
TheAkaiyoGaming: You might want to check out the cloud rendering code. It costs me about 20-30fps which is a lot for a bunch of white boxes?
TheMogMiner: The cloud rendering code is fricking atrocious and is #1 on my 1.9 hit-list. Until now there was not much to be done.
Akaiyo: 구름 렌더링 코드를 한번 점검해보세요. 하얀 박스들밖에 없는데 제 컴퓨터에서는 20-30FPS 정도를 잡아먹는데요.
Ryan Holtz: 구름 렌더링 코드는 정말 지독하고 제 1.9 정리대상 목표의 제 1순위입니다. 지금까지는 거의 아무것도 된 게 없었죠.
04. 애니메이션/독립체Entity 모델 변경 가능
TheMogMiner: <전략> Animation and entity models are planned for 1.9. Not sure about model changes via NBT.
Ryan Holtz: 애니메이션과 독립체 모델은 1.9에 계획되어 있습니다. NBT 태그에 따라 아이템 모델 변경에 대해서는 확신할 수 없습니다.
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